Rich SpragueAug 19Strike up a high note with our events coordinator ... Alicia O'Brien.This article is about Alicia O'Brien, an events coordinator for the Poinsettia Pavilion in Ventura.
Rich SpragueJul 18We're pleased to introduce the newest addition to the Pavilion team ... Dawn Knowles.Dawn Knowles is the latest person to join the staff at the Poinsettia Pavilion.
Rich SpragueMay 15Meet Our Wonderful Mary Jackson, Event Coordinator and Bookkeeper for the Poinsettia PavilionMeet Our Wonderful Mary Jackson, Event Coordinator and Bookkeeper for the Poinsettia Pavilion
Rich SpragueMay 4The Pavilion now has two AED defibrillators to use in case of medical emergencies.The Pavilion now has two AED defibrillators to use in case of a medical emergency during an event.
Rich SpragueApr 28Margarida Eidson and the Poinsettia Pavilion are featured in the May issue of the "Ventura Living" magazine.The May issue of Ventura Living magazine features a feel-good story about community leader Margarida Eidson and the Poinsettia Pavilion.